Web Development mistakes to Avoid


Learning Web Developing is intimidating. There are so many resources and tutorials that it might seem overwhelming. So, let's example the common mistakes that we can make.

2.  Relying on JS framework and libraries

While knowledge of, and ability to work with, popular JavaScript frameworks and libraries are marketable skills to have , you must also have a good knowledge of JavaScript.  If you fail to learn the foundations of JavaScript , you never truly learn what the features of these framework are doing under-the-hood

3. Relying on Bootstrap

Many developers starting out view Bootstrap as an easy way to style a web application , and while it can be useful in specific circumstances , it should not replace your knowledge of CSS and responsive web design.

4. Not Modularizing your Code

It's extremely important to ensure your code is modular, do not put it into one HTML file. Not only is it bad practice to have HTML, CSS and JavaScript into one file, it's messy and difficult to test.

5.  Not using Semantic HTML

Don't over-use of <div> and <span> . You should always be using semantic HTML5 element . Why? Because it's accessible.

6. Not Learning responsive design

Responsive design skills are a must . The majority of web surfing is done on mobile and tables, thus our sites must be able to respond to different screen sizes.


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